Welcome to the Spreewald Hotel "Radduscher Hafen"

In the heart of the Spreewald village of Raddusch, situated right by the natural harbor amidst beautiful scenery, you'll find our family-run Spreewald Hotel and "Radduscher Hafen" Restaurant. The "Radduscher Hafen" Hotel is perfect for all kinds of celebrations and appeals to individual guests, families, travel groups, and businesspeople alike.

We offer you extensive recreation and meeting programs, as well as leisure tips such as paddleboat and bicycle rentals and excursion suggestions. Hikes and bike tours, boat and carriage rides (bookable at: www.raddusch-hafen.de), and gastronomic specialties.

Guest counseling on leisure planning
Sleep well


Arrive, unpack, and feel right at home! You'll reside idyllically and close to nature, not far from the Radduscher Nature Harbor. When the sun rises above the trees in the morning and chirping birds announce the sunny day, even the late sleeper can't stay in bed any longer.

Single bedrooms

Single bedroom

76,00/per night
  • 13 sqm living space
  • breakfast incl.
  • Bathroom with toilet, shower
  • Wi-Fi, TV, ceiling fan, insect screen
to the single room
Double bedrooms

Double bedrooms

96,00/per night
  • 15 sqm living space
  • breakfast incl.
  • Bathroom with toilet, shower
  • Wi-Fi, TV, ceiling fan, insect screen
to the double room
Triple bedroom

Triple bedroom

112,00/per night
  • 30 sqm living space, Separate sleeping area
  • breakfast incl.
  • Bathroom with toilet, shower
  • Wi-Fi, TV, ceiling fan, insect screen
to the Triple room


125,00/per night
  • 28 sqm living space, Separate sleeping area
  • breakfast incl.
  • Bathroom with toilet, shower
  • Wi-Fi, TV, ceiling fan, insect screen
to the Junior-Suite

Regionale Küche

Wir arbeiten mit Zutaten aus der Region rund um den Spreewald, sowie mit frischem Obst und Gemüse von ortsansässigen Anbietern. Unser Spreewald Restaurant Zum Braukrug mit 40 Plätzen, unser Wintergarten mit 80 Plätzen oder die Gartenterrasse unter den Linden mit rund 60 Plätzen laden zum Verweilen ein.

Senfgurken Suppe als Vorspeise
gebackener Fisch
Hefeplins mit Sahne und Apfelmus

1.) Glutenhaltiges Getreide (kann Spuren von Nüssen enthalten); 2.) Krebstiere; 3.) Eier; 4.) Fische; 5.) Erdnüsse; 6.) Sojabohnen; 7.) Milch; 8.) Schalenfrüchte (kann Spuren von Nüssen enthalten); 9.) Sellerie; 10.) Sesamsamen; 11.) Schwefeldioxid & Sulfate; 12.) Senf; 13.) Lupinen, Eiweißersatzstoff; 14.) Weichtiere

Bitte beachten Sie, das alle Gerichte Spuren von glutenhaltigen Getreide, Schalenfrüchten und Nüssen enthalten könnten.

my time off in Raddusch

Offer tip

Take a break

Need to get out quickly? Out of the city and into the countryside? Take a breath of fresh air and watch the dragonflies dance? Then you're in the right place!

  • Welcome drink
  • Small fruit basket in the room
  • 2 x dinner 3-course evening menu
  • Touring bike or paddle boat for 1 day including bike or waterway map

2 nights including breakfast

142/per person in Double bedroom
to the offer
haystack at sunrise
Location & Map

Distances for your arrival

You can arrive by car or train.

5 kilometers

to the highway entrance Vetschau/Spreewald

700 meters

to the Deutsche Bahn stop (RE 2)